Friday, October 22, 2010

VOTE FOR MY GIRL Deydream EsBelle TheModel TheModel is in need of each and every1 of you reading this right now... PLEASE GO VOTE FOR ME TO BE NUVO NEXT SPOKES MODEL... ITS REAL REAL EASY JUST GO TO HTTP://NUVOSTARS.COM/2010/10/DEYDREAM/ AND CLICK THE 5 STARS. ((PLS REPOST ON UR WALL)) PASS THE WOR...D.. *also vote for Carie Pfrogner BKA C-BABY*

ALSO CHECK HER OUT ON :Twitter:: @DeyDreamDaModel
Skype:: deydreamdamodel


           New Contact # (512) 943-2431 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              (512) 943-2431      end_of_the_skype_highlighting


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